Product Details
Artist: Harriet Peck Taylor
Artists and musicians become playful- improvising, interpreting, adding their own expression to common forms and creating new forms. Music and art awaken our awareness, and heightened awareness leads to the wonders of the earth.
Some rock art is about communication- where the water is, which way to the path, where good game is. Rock artists portray themselves with hand stencils; show game animals ( warthogs, bulls, buffalo, elk, deer, and sheep); and show images of power ( bear prints, bulls, snakes, lighting, moon, sun, spirals, concentric circles, and warriors with weapons). Some stone, cave, and building sightlines are calendars that show solstices and equinoxes by the sunlight beams lining up. Artists and musicians celebrate events (birth, death, marriage, sex, reproduction, planting, harvesting, victory, and political and religious leaders). They also claim their voice with power or grace.
Loons call, and we can whistle, sing, or flute back. Sometimes I like to play a flute in canyons and on forest lakes. Trills of high notes echo with a delay and lowering of pitch. Low notes come back fuller from the forest hillsides.
Music can be an interplay, a call and response, a melody or rhythm, then a variation played back. A harmony. The player is alive and responsive to the moment. And that music can lead us to be aware of the calls of the poorwills, chickadees, and thrushes, the wind in the trees and grasses, the water falling over rocks or surging and ebbing with shores, the cry of a coyote, the howl of wolves, and the bugling of elk.
The caption reads "Art and music lead us to nature's wonders"
Design #1707T 1707P 1707W